More than half the cargo that crossed Azerbaijan is oil and petroleum products

From January to August, the total volume of freight traffic totaled 124 million 870.7 thousand tons (+ 2.5% over the same period last year). According to the State Statistics Committee, more than three quarters of goods (75.8%) accounted for the private transport companies and the rest was the share of the public sector.

The absolute leader in the segment is vehicle transport - it ferried 70 million 155 thousand tons (2.7%) of the cargo. In the second place are domestic oil pipelines, which pumped 27 million 614.9 thousand tons (+ 10% due to transit). At the same time 20.9 million tons, or 75.6% of the total pumping was on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. The share of Turkmen oil in this pipeline was 3.1 million tons.
In addition, by August 1, rail transported 12 million 195.2 thousand tons of cargo, including transit (minus 6.5%). Marine transport carried 5 million 682 thousand tons (-18.1%). Aircraft carried 64.8 thousand tons (+ 1.3%).
More than half (57.4%) of all transported cargo fell on oil and oil products, while 42.6% was of dry cargo. -17D-

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