Nabucco-West does not rule out signing of contract with Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan could get a share in the Nabucco-West project, said Gerhard Roiss, Executive Director of Austrian OMV company.

He said the partners of the project should be changed for development of Nabucco-West project.

The Azerbaijan Centre for Oil Studies told Turan that judging by all, the Nabucco-West pipeline consortium is waiting for signing of the financial agreement with the main partners of the Shah-Deniz project, including BP, SOCAR and Total, which was recently signed with another pipeline consortium TAP. Such a development of events would have given the production companies a chance to transport their gas to the consumers in Europe.

According to the survey of Kommersant newspaper, costs for the pipeline design are not high and they usually total about $10 million. The questioned experts believe that final configuration of the project will depend on the situation at the gas market by mid-2013 and final decision on the pipeline route, which the partners of South Stream gas pipeline project should make. At present Gasprom company and its partners have been considering over five options of the pipeline construction.-0-


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