Prices of drugs, failing to drop, more expensive and disappear

The campaign announced by the government to reduce drug prices, it seems, begins to have the opposite effect. As soon as  the government  announced new lower prices  for medicines, different types of drugs began to disappear from pharmacies. In particular, disappeared akineton  and phenazepamum issued only on prescription. In the last two days Turan correspondent faced a deficit of  Alflutop injection, which had always been on the open market and  was sold without prescription.

Over the past two days these injections  were not found in  more than  20 pharmacies  of Yasamal, Sabail and Nasimi districts of Baku. Everywhere pharmacists say that this medicine is no longer supplied, and  pharmacists explain it by  a significant reduction in the number of drugs imported into the country.

It is not clear who would have thought to cancel the delivery of drugs to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Tightening state regulation of the drug, according to some experts,  reduces the profitability of the pharmaceutical business and the withdrawal from the market many players, that will result in a deficit, and selling  drugs under  secretly at high prices. The process of closure of pharmacies has already begun in Baku. The owners explained  the high process for medicines  not only by the  greed of businessmen, but because of the "tribute", which the owners of pharmacies are imposing the tax authorities and customs. -06D--

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