Public Presentation of Enterprises to Be Privatized

Of the 200 state-owned enterprises to be privatized, 75 will be sold partially.

According to information of the State Committee for Property Affairs of Azerbaijan, it is planned to transfer 30% of their assets to private hands. Yet the main value for investors is a dozen of entities with the total value of more than $ 1 billion. This was announced at today's public presentation of enterprises to be privatized, carried out for international financial institutions, consulting firms and foreign entrepreneurs.

It is not known whether or not the State Committee will reach its goal, but there is the fact of increased participation of consulting companies – the presentation was attended by Deloitte, PwC, McKinsey & Company, Baker & McKenzie, KPMG and EY.

In addition to large enterprises, put up for sale will be 190 smaller organizations that require investment injections. --17D-

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