Turkish business in the top three donors to the economy of Azerbaijan

Foreign financial investments in Azerbaijan's economy in January-September 2014 amounted to 3 517 030 000 manat (4.3% as of 1 October of the previous year).

According to the SSC, the primacy of investment - for companies from the UK, has invested in the local economy almost one-third (1 131 872 400 manat or 32.2%) of all investments (3.7%). In second place - investment companies from Norway amounted to 640,019,200 manat (+ 78.9%).

The top three is closed by Turkish businessmen with 309,609,900 manat (+ 66.2%), followed by the United States - 294 483 500 manat (minus 16.1%), France - 225.593 million manat (an increase of 2.06 times).

Leader in the investment of international organizations by October 1 is the World Bank - 102 840 800 manat (minus 13.2%), Asian Development Bank - 51,194,700 manats (+ 36.8%). The rest of the international donors have not so many resources. --17D-

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