Wine Festival in Ganja

III International Festival of Wine will be held in Ganja, 30 September - 1 October, the report from Azerbaijan Fund Export and Investment Promotion (Azpromo) reads.

What are the achievements of the country for the event? This year the State Statistical Committee has not released a report, but at the end of 2013 there were 110 enterprises (in 2012 there were 127, in 2009 - 136), engaged in the production of beverages, including alcohol. The share of the beverage industry was 207 million manat (+32 million since 2012 and all-time record in this area). Wines were produced in 835.5 deciliters (previous year - 1063), while vodka was made in 844.9 deciliters (696.7 in 2012).

Exports are oriented to the Russian market which is largest in the region in this area. Local entrepreneurs are investing a lot of money for a significant increase in the quality of products that can be seen in local stores. --17D-

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