Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Baku/26.10.21/Turan: On October 26, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Azerbaijan on a one-day working visit.

Erdogan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev will attend the opening ceremony of the Fizuli International Airport and the laying of the foundation for a "smart agricultural park" in Zangilan, which will be built with the support of Turkey. According to official information, during the visit, all aspects of bilateral relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan, exchange of views on current regional and international events will be discussed.

Some experts believe that the visit of the Turkish President to Azerbaijan also has behind-the-scenes sides. One of them is related to the proposed Aliyev-Pashinyan-Putin meeting, which will take place in early November. What will the heads of state of Azerbaijan and Turkey discuss? What do the experts expect from this visit?

Member of the Milli Mejlis Committee on International Relations and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Elman Nasirov told Turan that the most important part of the Turkish President's visit to Azerbaijan is the opening of Fizuli International Airport. “The participation of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the opening of this first international airport in Karabakh is logical, and it should be so. Because today the Azerbaijani-Turkish relations are in the literal sense of the word an example for all countries of the world. "

According to him, in addition to bilateral relations within the framework of the meeting, the subject of discussion can be the processes taking place in the region, issues awaiting solutions against the background of the new realities of the post-Soviet period, as well as the place and role of Turkey in their solution. “It can be said unequivocally that Turkey is a very serious factor in the region these days. This opinion can be expressed against the background of the realities of the end of the war, as well as the post-Soviet period. Today Turkey is a factor in the South Caucasus and in the development of processes in the region in a positive way, stability plays a special role in shaping the environment. This is how Russia perceives it as well. "

The MP noted that among the issues discussed are issues related to the delimitation and demarcation of the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russian President Vladimir Putin also expressed his opinion at the Valdai Forum. He said that the process should proceed on the basis of maps from the 1920s, which are in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. The borders of the 15 member republics of the Soviet Union are clearly marked there. These cards are in the interests of Azerbaijan. "

In his opinion, the opening of the Zangezur corridor at the meeting of the heads of the two states may become the subject of serious discussion. “Both states have decisive positions on this issue, that the Zangezur corridor should be opened. This is beneficial not only for Azerbaijan and Turkey. The biggest benefit here is for Armenia, which is in a state of blockade. "

Nasirov noted that during the meeting, issues related to the restoration of relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan with Armenia could be discussed, if Armenia does not create problems with the opening of the Zangezur corridor and all mine maps are transferred to Azerbaijan. The head of the Atlas Research Center Elkhan Shainoglu said that the visit of the Turkish President to Azerbaijan will not be limited only to the opening of Fizuli airport. "Ilham Aliyev will also have an exchange of views with Erdogan. Russian news agencies close to the Kremlin, in the first weeks of November, through the mediation of the Russian President, disseminated information about the meeting between the President of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia. Turkey is a strategic ally of Azerbaijan, therefore Ilham Aliyev consults with Erdogan every time ”.

According to the political commentator, there are issues on which Azerbaijan and Turkey should act together. "Turkish officials stated that they are ready to open the border with Armenia, but added that they will act together with Azerbaijan on this issue, as well as what Russia can offer in the Karabakh issue after the war, Azerbaijan is coordinating with the Turkish leadership. Therefore, within the framework of today's the visit, along with the opening ceremony of the airport in a closed atmosphere, will probably discuss new proposals from Russia. ”- 0—


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