Isa Gambar in Kiev

On Sunday the chairman of "Musavat", Isa Gambar, arrived in Kiev to take part in a rally of supporters of European integration on the Independence Square. Head of the central apparatus of the party Arif Hajili said Turan, that the visit was planned and is in the nature of solidarity with the chosen path of European integration Ukrainian people.

"This process touches not only to the Ukrainian people, but also to all the participants of the Eastern  Partnership, including Azerbaijan," he said.

Head of the central apparatus of the party, Arif Hajili said Turan, that the visit was planned and it is a solidarity with the Ukrainian people which chose the path of European integration.

"This process touches not only the Ukrainian people, but also all the participants of the Eastern Partnership, including Azerbaijan," he said.

Hajili also noted that today at the former Soviet Union there is a struggle for democratic choice between Europe and authoritarian Russia. "The victory of democratic forces in Ukraine will have a great impact on Azerbaijan, so we express our support for the European choice of Ukrainians," said the representative of Musavat.

On behalf of the party "Musavat" Isa Gambar signed  in 2005 an agreement in Kiev on cooperation and interaction with President Viktor Yuschenko, the leader of the party "Our Ukraine". -0 -

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