Opposition rally against rising prices of petroleum products

Baku/15.12.13/Turan : Despite the torrential rain and strong winds on Sunday at the stadium " Mehsul " in Yasamal District there was held a rally against the rising prices of petroleum products , organized by the National Council of Democratic Forces ( NCDF) .

Speaking at the rally , PFPA leader Ali Kerimli said that if people do not say "stop" predatory policy of the authorities , following petroleum products will be increased the prices for gas , electricity and transport.

He stressed that the price increase is the result of corruption and predatory power politics .

"We know perfectly well that oil and gas monopoly is in the same family. Who is Anar Aliyev , to put out his hand for it? Of course , the oligarchs , who dared to do it without the knowledge of President Ilham Aliyev, now would be in prison . However, they are very quiet because they know that this process is led by Ilham Aliyev . And, of course , for all this the Azerbaijani people will respond to him.

We know the causes of our problems. While in the country there is no legitimate power , the people will be treated like this, " said the leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli .

 His words were met with protesters slogans of " Resign! ".

 Kerimli opined that after Ukraine the European integration path will be followed by Azerbaijan . According to him, the next summit of "Eastern Partnership " in March 2015 Azerbaijan to sign an agreement with the EU on association. "Either we do it, achieving fair early elections. Or we will make the current regime do this," said Kerimli .

 In turn, the head of the executive office of the party Musavat Arif Hajili said that its leader Isa Gambar is currently in Kiev to express solidarity on behalf of the Democratic Forces of Azerbaijan with the participants of Euro Maydan.

 However, he reminded that the struggle for the accession of the European values ​​in Azerbaijan began in the early 20th century by prominent thinkers of the Azerbaijani people , Ali Bey Huseynzadeh, Nasibbek Usubbekov and in 1918 Azerbaijan was the first in the Turkic and Islamic world that declared the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic .

 However, currently established in Azerbaijan atmosphere of fear affects the number of people entering the area. But the day when all the freedom loving people of the nation are supported by the people of Azerbaijan is not far," said Hajili .

Criticizing government policy , he noted that "all the country's wealth is concentrated in the hands of one family ."

The head of the party Classic Popular Front of Azerbaijan ( CPFPA ) Mirmahmud Miralioglu regarded increasing prices of petroleum products as an attack on people .

The way to solve the country's problems is through peaceful change of power , said Miralioglu . He also criticized some religious figures justifying repressive policies of the authorities.

 The head of NCDF Jamil Hasanli said that once again usurping power in Azerbaijan on October 9, the ruling clique continues the anti-people policies.

 "The Azerbaijani government can not change its essence , so people should change it," said Hasanli.

In his view, getting out of the difficult situation, in which the people face price increases by the power, can only be done through universal resistance.

 He also criticized the authorities for the issue of political prisoners, calling courts over Nida activists, other activists and journalists, "not courts, but a farce ."

 Hasanli urged citizens to the resistance movement for restoration of the trampled Constitution and peaceful change .

 The resolution put forward by the action demands the government cancel the decision of the Tariff Council to increase the price of petroleum products , come up with an explanation about the reported increase in prices of other goods and give assurances that the rise in prices will not take place. In addition, it is proposed to organize parliamentary hearings on opaque state oil company deals in export of petroleum products. Opposition will continue to fight for free elections and the formation of a legitimate government , said the resolution of the meeting .

 During the campaign posters were raised " End of a rise in price ," " Lower prices ", " The state is to serve the public ", " Budget of the people , not of the MPs," " Ilham , take your hands out of my pocket " , "Oil does not belong to one family," etc. -06D--


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