"Violence only makes peace difficult," US urges Azerbaijan, Armenia to respect ceasefire, calls presidents meet ASAP

Washington on Friday expressed its concern about the escalation of violence along the Line of Contact that resulted in significant casualties on July 31.

"We extend our condolences to the families of those killed or injured and call on the sides to take immediate action to reduce tensions and respect the cease-fire," Marie Harf, State Department's Deputy Spokesperson, said in a press statement.

"There can be no military solution to the conflict," she added. "Retaliation and further violence will only make it more difficult to bring about a peaceful settlement," Washington also urges the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to meet "at the earliest opportunity to resume dialogue on key issues."

"We also call on the parties to accept the proposal from the OSCE Chairman-in-Office to enter into negotiations which can lead to the conclusion of a peace agreement. We remain committed to participating in the Minsk Group process and stand ready to help efforts to bring about a lasting settlement," reads the statement.

At least 10 lost their lives in skirmishes in Azerbaijan-Armenia line of contact, officials from both sides confirmed on Friday.


Washington, DC

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