Binə qəsəbəsində “Azərsu” Açıq Səhmdar Cəmiyyətinin Xəzər Su Kanal İdarəsi magistral su kəmərinə qanunsuz qoşulmanın qarşısını alıb.

Binə qəsəbəsində “Azərsu” Açıq Səhmdar Cəmiyyətinin Xəzər Su Kanal İdarəsi magistral su kəmərinə qanunsuz qoşulmanın qarşısını alıb.

Baku/16.08.22/Turan: In the village of Bina, the Caspian Water Canal Department of Azersu OJSC prevented illegal connection to the main water supply. Citizen N. arbitrarily, under the cover of night, laid a polyethylene water pipe with a diameter of 159 mm on his plot.

As a result of intervention in the main water pipeline, a correctional institution, five-story residential buildings and private residential buildings located on the territory were left without water.

After receiving the information, the Caspian Vodocanal Department of Azersu OJSC informed the regional executive power and law enforcement agencies. During the investigation, it turned out that the citizen does not have documents for the construction of a private residential building in this territory, that is, construction work is being carried out illegally.

With the help of brigades and equipment of Azersu OJSC, with the participation of law enforcement officers, dismantling work was carried out and water supply to consumers was restored.

To investigate this fact, Azersu OJSC turned to law enforcement agencies.

"Azersu" recalls that illegal interventions in the main water pipelines, negatively affecting the level of services provided, violate the hydraulic regimes and stability of the drinking water supply of consumers, increase water losses, and pose serious threats to the safety of drinking water supplied to the population. At the same time, such cases are considered as causing damage to state property. –0—

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