Armenians emptying counters for fake pictures

Baku/06.01.22/Turan: Photographs of allegedly empty shop counters in the Armenian-populated part of Karabakh are being circulated to the world media from Armenian websites. These photos are meant to convince the world of the need for forceful pressure on Azerbaijan to get the Azerbaijani picketers off the Lachin road.

However, on closer inspection it turns out that the photos about the "distressed heroic people" are fake. 

The fictitious staged photographs are of products of the Ukrainian private joint stock company "Qualiko", an international brand of chicken meat, under which the products are exported to international markets.  The founder and main beneficiary of the company is Ukrainian hero Yuriy Kosyuk. "Prime Food Armenia" is the dealer of "Qualiko" products.

The photo shows empty counters, at the base of which are boxes with frozen broilers and trays "Qualiko" fillet of frozen broiler chicken of 900 gr. That is, the chicken is in stock and has been temporarily removed from the counters and cold storage rooms.

Disinformers should be more careful to make the story more convincing, and so should consumers of fakes.-0-

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