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Baku / 11.02.23 / Turan: Public activist Bakhtiyar Gadzhiev, hospitalized on February 10 at the Medical Institution of the Penitentiary Service, met on Saturday with his brother Vugar Hajiyev, as well as lawyers Zibeyda Sadigova and Elchin Sadigov.

As Sadygova told Turan, Hajiyev told her that he was transferred to the Medical Institution on Friday at about 20.00, despite the fact that he was against it.

At the same time, records on the state of health, court decisions, sheets with phone numbers for calling their relatives were taken from B. Hajiyev in the pre-trial detention center.

The weight of the activist dropped to 68.5 kg, while when he entered the pre-trial detention center this figure was 84.5 kg.

Blood pressure remains low - 90/60, pulse weakened to 66 beats per minute, body temperature was 36 degrees Celsius.

Hajiyev continues to refuse food and treatment and insists on his release.

Elchin Sadigov, another lawyer, said that the law prohibits the forced feeding of a prisoner.

According to him, this measure can be applied only after the prisoner loses consciousness.

His brother Vugar Hajiyev also met with the activist at the Medical Institution today.

Referring to the chief physician of the hospital, V. Hajiyev said that immediately after entering the institution, the activist was examined and blood samples were taken from him for analysis.

“According to the head physician, Bakhtiyar has no serious problems with his kidneys and liver. Bakhtiyar was offered to stop the hunger strike and put him on a drip to inject drugs. But Bakhtiyar refused this. He also told me that he considers himself innocent and will go on a hunger strike to the end until he is released,” said V. Hajiyev.

It was not possible to get comments from the Penitentiary Service and the Main Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Justice.—21B03/06

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2023 February 11 (Saturday) 12:41:41

Bakhtiyar Hajiyev hospitalized at penitentiary service hospital

Baku/11.02.23/Turan: Public activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev was hospitalized in the evening of 10 February from the Baku pre-trial detention centre-1 to the hospital of the penitentiary service, this was reported to Turan by his brother Vugar Hajiyev.

Today V.Hajiyev was received by the head physician of the hospital, who reported that the activist still refuses to eat and do not allow administering medicines at least to him under the drip. At the same time, according to the head doctor, B. Hajiyev is conscious and "communicative", the activist's brother continued.

He was promised a meeting today with B. Hajiyev, who has been on hunger strike for 34 days, demanding his release, or a telephone conversation with him.

* Bakhtiyar Hajiyev was detained on 9 December on charges of hooliganism and contempt of court. On the same day, the Khatayi district court arrested him for 1 month and 20 days.

On December 15, Hajiyev went on hunger strike demanding his release. On December 28, he ended the hunger strike after persistent calls from the public and family members. On January 9, however, he resumed the hunger strike after a court of appeal refused to release him and continues to this day.

On 21 January, the court extended Hajiyev's arrest for another 1 month. -03B06-

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