Elchin Sadigov

Elchin Sadigov

Baku/24.10.22/Turan: The appeal of the lawyer Elchin Sadygov to change conditions of his measure of restraint - house arrest, was left unsatisfied by the Binagadi district court. The lawyer asked to be allowed to fulfill his obligations outside of Baku, throughout the territory of Azerbaijan.

Sadygov considers the refusal as "discriminatory and restrictive" of his professional activities. He also called the criminal case against him "fabricated and ordered."

At that, the lawyer intends to file an appeal against the decision of the Binagadi district court.

Recall that Elchin Sadygov and journalist Avaz Zeynally were detained on September 10 on suspicion of taking a bribe. On the night of September 11, the court chose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest against both.

However, on September 17, the Baku Court of Appeal transferred Sadygov to house arrest. The conditions of house arrest oblige the accused not to leave the house from 23.00 to 06.00. The rest of the time the defendant is free. -06B-

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