European Court to consider the complaint of journalist Agil Khalil

European Court of Human Rights continues  consideration of complaint of Agil Khalil , reporter of  "Azadlig" newspaper ,who  emigrated to France. According to the report of the Institute of Media Rights Protection, which protects the rights of the reporter, the Azerbaijani authorities to provide answers to 15 questions of the European Court. Until July 3 lawyers can present to the court their comments on the responses of the Azerbaijani authorities.

   Agil Khalil was forced into exile in 2008 after several attempts to kill him and the pressure of the investigating authorities, who tried to wrest a confession that the attacks on him are not related to his journalistic activities.

Special zeal in persecuting journalists expressed employees of the Ministry of National Security, which beat reporter when he published materials about their involvement in the illegal sale of land in one of the parks in the capital. Thereafter, agents and other MNS unidentified persons tried several times to kill or hurt him.

When the French authorities granted asylum Agil there was a conflict between MNS workers and Ministry of Interior. The  MNS did not want to let him out of the country, and the Interior Ministry was  ordered to guard him.  Open violent confrontation of the officers of the two services took place at Baku international airport in front of dozens of people, including foreign diplomats. Only  after  the third attempt the reporter managed to leave the country.

The complaint to the European Court stated inappropriate fundamental rights of journalists guaranteed  by several articles  of the European Convention on Human Rights (prohibition of torture, freedom and inviolability of fair trial, privacy, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, etc.)-03D-

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