How Do You Feel, Fatherland?

Baku / 24.05.18 / Turan: The campaign for the prophylactic medical examination of the population, which was held from February 12 to May 12 of this year, was completed in Azerbaijan. The Ministry of Health announced the results of this action.

According to the ministry"s press service, during this period, medical examination involved 5.6 million people aged 18 and over. Of these, 3,540,384 are men, and 3,742,875 are women. This indicator is a bit lower than last year's result, when 6.2 million citizens took part in the action. During the medical examinations, 338,013 patients were first diagnosed with various chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, cardiac ischemia, and eye diseases.

Analysis of the data showed that the most common in the country are diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems. We are talking about arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia of the heart, stenocardia, bronchial asthma, etc. These diseases were identified at about 100 thousand new patients.

According to the results of the survey, the situation with the spread of infectious diseases in Azerbaijan is stable, and the number of such patients was only 8,015 people, and that is within the norm. In the course of the medical examination, 27,663 patients were hospitalized, and 58,563 people were taken to the dispensary records. 1,810,880 of the surveyed were sent for an additional specialized examination.

The main goal of the medical check-up, as Turan was explained in the press service of the Ministry of Health, is the prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases, the early detection of these diseases and the attraction of people to treatment. These pathologies are the main cause of disability and premature mortality of the country's population. Factors for the spread of these diseases are stress, malnutrition, overweight, smoking, etc.

As the deputy of Milli Majlis, surgeon-cardiologist Rashad Mahmudov said, today the main cause of death in Azerbaijan is cardiovascular diseases. This figure reached 57.8%, which indicates the formation of a dangerous trend in the field of public health. The second place is occupied by cancer. Whereas in 2011, 11,118 new cases of cancer were detected and registered, in 2016 this figure already amounted to 11,761 new cases, of which 217 were detected in children under 13 years old. Today in Azerbaijan, 87% of the total deaths are attributable to non-infectious diseases.

But people also die from hepatitis C, kidney failure, and strokes. A reasonable question arises: why is the death rate caused by non-infectious diseases so high in Azerbaijan, where at every step there are multi-profile and narrow-profile hospitals and clinics, and various preventive actions are carried out?

"The availability of medical services is different, depending on the regions and categories of population. Specialized clinics and qualified doctors are mainly located in Baku, and in the province there are no narrowly specialized doctors. Therefore, many villagers have to come to the capital. At they apply for medical help, when the disease becomes chronic or urgent surgical intervention is required.

Another reason is the high cost of treatment. Doctors, tests, ultrasonic or tomography examination, and drugs require a lot of money. Note that sometimes the examination has to be repeated. A visit to a doctor is a costly exercise, not for everyone, especially for the pensioners, the poor, or the unemployed," the independent expert Azad Isazadeh told Turan.

One cannot keep silent about such a factor as low culture of citizens themselves in protecting their own health. The perception of health by our people is very different from Western Europe. If for the Europeans health is a resource that needs to be carefully maintained, since success and prosperity depend on it, then for us health is a gift that can be more or less, but it is not so important to take care of it.

The conclusion suggests itself - we require an effective system of medical services, good personnel, and education of people in the healthy lifestyle culture. All this provides for ensuring the availability of high-quality food, free health-improving activities, a wide network of sports sections, regular monitoring of the health status of citizens, depending on gender and age. This is a serious social problem, the solution of which is still fragmentary.-0--

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