Media Review June 10, 2019

Stimulating the development of entrepreneurship in the regions, expensive prices on the beaches of the country, and an additional 14 days of schooling are the topics of today's media.

The Azerbaijan newspaper writes that the implementation of the state program stimulates the development of entrepreneurship. The state provides this process with moral and material support. Over 35,600 entrepreneurs were allocated soft loans amounting to 2.3 billion manat at the expense of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund.

Projects implemented through these loans have created more than 165 new jobs. The share of regions in the implementation of projects amounted to 75%. Next, the author provides digital data on investments to business entities, income, which brought the country exports of agricultural products, fruits and vegetables.

The website Axş writes about prices at Absheron beaches, and the high cost of services there. The author cites the prices of the entrance to the most popular and equipped beaches, which range from 20 to 50 manat. The cost of such beaches usually include loungers, an outdoor pool, changing rooms, showers, umbrellas, and for a towel you have to pay extra.

The website Yeniçağ.az writes about the 14 days of June, during which students have to continue their studies. The author discusses how much it was necessary to increase the 31-week period of study to 34 weeks. This causes dissatisfaction and complaints of parents. It is necessary to take into account the psychological state of the students. Experts suggest starting classes on September 1 and ending them at the end of May. Extending the school year to mid-June has no effect, and the infrastructure of the country's 4,471 schools is not designed for the summer period.

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