Observers in Sumgait Refuse to Monitor Elections Due to Pressure
On the eve of the voting the executive power put pressure on observers and members of precinct election commissions with an advisory vote, representing the candidate for MP in the 42nd Sumgayit Second Constituency, a member of the movement REAL Hafiz Babali.
Four young people were threatened with dismissal of their parents from work and with their own expulsion from the university, Babali said.
After the threats, the observers abandoned their functions. At the same time, polling stations are crowded with observers from various pro-government NGOs and little-known parties, which should create the impression of “democratic elections” among the international observers.
"This is your essence. You are afraid of normal elections and rivals. If you are confident of your victory, why do you leave me without observers - without “weapons”?’ - Babali wrote on his Facebook page. -06D--
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As part of its ongoing commitment to foster community development and women empowerment, the leading mobile operator of the country continues implementing its impactful initiatives
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On January 15, the State Agency for Preschool and General Education announced that the use of smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets during the school day is prohibited, except in special cases.
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