Press Review 20/12/13

Official newspapers report on the participation of President Ilham Aliyev at the opening ceremony of the hotels Shahdagh and Peak Palace in Gusar, and his participation in the meeting devoted to sport results of the year.


Azadlig writes that official Baku is concerned about the arrest in Turkey of the customs chief of Sadarak. It is possible that arrests will not end with that.

Anar Aliyev accused the organization of Global Witness of spreading unsubstantiated information.

The UN General Assembly recently unanimously adopted a resolution against illegal surveillance on the Internet.

Experts believe reasonable the version of the Carnegie Foundation for the recurrence of the Ukrainian events in Baku.

Lawyer Intigam Aliyev , commenting on the arrest of NGO leaders on charges of tax evasion , said that companies associated with formal structures steal a lot more than the annual budget of all NGOs.


Zerkalo writes that in the 11 months of 2013 97 buses made ??accidents.


Express writes on anti-corruption activities in Turkey.

National Iranian activists accuse Tehran that it from year to year reduces the budget of the cities of South Azerbaijan. The Isfahan area, in which mainly Persian population lives, highlighted the biggest budget.



 "Error in geography " or vague threats? A Russian expert promises the emergence of direct border between Russia and Armenia.


Bizim Yol writes about the scandal with the brother of the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, Mustafa Erdogan.

The newspaper suggests that the head of the International Bank Jahanghir Hajiyev will be prosecuted.


Yeni Musavat

Wahhabis threaten the head of the Ministry of Taxes Fazil Mammadov and the chief executive of the Binagadi district of the capital Khaladdin Isgandarov.

Vidadi Iskenderli known as a human rights activist said that a "pro-Russian wing" of the National Council offered him to create disasters in Baku.

Experts commenting on the recent changes in the law on NGOs called it a political decision to halt the activities of NGOs . -06d -




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