Press Review - June 1, 2018

The development of sericulture in Sheki, the level of fulfillment of consumer demands, and miscalculations in privatization are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the development of silkworm breeding in Sheki. Noting that sericulture has always been the main occupation in Sheki, the author goes into the history of the matter, and also considers the reasons for the decline of this area of ​​agriculture.

After the decision to revive this sphere, sericulture is experiencing a splash. So, in 2016 the production of cocoon was 8.5 tons, and this year it has been brought up to 18 tons. The main task is to achieve the collection of 500 tons of cocoon.

The Novoye Vremya newspaper writes that experts say that rising oil prices spur consumer inflation. Azerbaijan imports various products, including food, for billions of manat.

The situation with inflation in Azerbaijan does not inspire serious fears yet, especially in comparison with last year. According to the State Statistics Committee, prices for goods and services increased by 3.5% in January-April. Prices for food products rose by 3.7%, non-food products - by 4.1% and services to the population - by 2.8%.

The website discusses the topic of the benefits of privatization.

On June 27, the next auction of the State Property Committee, which provides for the privatization of 114 objects of state property, will take place. Of these, 24 are joint-stock companies, 23 are non-residential areas, 31 are small state-owned enterprises and facilities, and 36 are vehicles. -0---

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