Press Review May 23, 2018

Development of the non-oil sector in the country, prices for tourism, and the labor market situation are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the latest Board meeting in the Cabinet, which assessed social and economic progress over the past 15 years. The author called the results of the first quarter of 2018 successful for the economy.

GDP for this period increased 2.3%. The increase in the non-oil sector was by 3%, and that in the non-oil industry was by 10%. The foreign exchange reserve for the first quarter of this year increased $ 2.2 billion to $ 44.2 billion.

The newspaper Echo writes about inaccessible and expensive rest in Azerbaijan. According to Skyscanner, two weeks of rest for two on the coast of the Caspian Sea will cost Russians $ 1,602. That is, for one person a day costs almost 100 manat.

For the citizens of the CIS, rest in Baku is still inaccessible and expensive. Azerbaijan attracts cultural, gastronomic, historical and medical tourism. But the prices frighten off.

The main mistake of our entrepreneurs is that they think only about profits, forgetting about attracting customers. In addition, the tourism sector of Azerbaijan will not develop without the availability of low-cost hotels - one- and two-star hotels.

The newspaper Novoye Vremya writes about the labor market. Recently, Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Ali Ahmadov said that 100,000 jobs should be opened in the country every year. However, the Deputy Prime Minister did not say how many jobs could be closed in the same period. But the State Statistics Committee has unveiled this figure. In the first quarter of this year, 11.5 thousand jobs were closed in Azerbaijan, about 80% of which were private entrepreneurs. According to official figures, the private sector accounts for 93.8% of the closed jobs. 16.6% of the people lost their jobs as a result of job cuts. -0----

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