The weather will be hot

No precipitation will be in Baku and Absheron peninsula on June 28; northwesterly wind will be  followed by the southeast. The temperature of air is 18 +23, 29 +34 degrees during the day, according to forecasters.

The water temperature on the Absheron beaches in Sumgait, Novkhani Pirshagi, Nardaran, Bilge will be 22 +23 degrees; in Zagulba, Buzovny, Mardakan,  and Shuvalane 23 +24 degrees; in Turkan, Hovsan, Shykh, and Sahil 24 +25 degrees.
 In the regions of Azerbaijan  there will be no rains;  in some mountainous areas in the morning and evening rain is expected. The air temperature in the area  with the east wind will be: +18 +23 at night, +33 +38  degrees in the day time. In the mountains at night  the temperature will be +10+ 15 degrees, and +27 +22 degrees during the day. -03D04-  

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