Twelve Days of Arrest for Murder Threat

The man that threatened the PFPA Deputy Chairman Gezal Bayramli on the phone has been sentenced to administrative detention for 12 days.

Recall that on October 28 Bayramli said she received death threats from a known telephone number. The next day threats were received on her Facebook page, as well as from the profile of Abu Zerz Ahi (Azerbaijani Salafi).

 Bayramli immediately called the hotline 102 of the Interior Ministry, but only after a few days the Surakhani police began an investigation.

On November 4 the police told Bayramli who threatened her and said it happened ‘by error’.

On November 23 Bayramli received a letter from the Surakhany police that reported on the completion of the investigation and said ‘there are no grounds for a criminal case.’ At the same time, the man threatening Bayramli was sentenced to 12 days of administrative arrest.

“This man claims that he was given my phone number, and he called not from his own phone. That is, the police did not carry out any investigation,” said Bayramli.

As for threats on Facebook, the police said that ‘such a profile does not exist.’

“I am not satisfied with such an inquiry. It turns out that opposition activists are found and arrested for their Facebook statuses at once, but the police do nothing against the threat of murder in this case. Hasty conclusion of the investigation indicates a lack of desire to find the perpetrators,” said Bayramli.

She intends to continue the complaint and demand an objective investigation.

Note that the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan envisages a punishment of imprisonment for several years for a murder threat (Articles 28/120). -06B-

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