

Baku/12.08.22/Turan: In the article "Water frauds in Buzovna", it was said about the revealed fact of illegal connection to the water supply network and measures to eliminate illegal actions.

After the article was published, another attempt of illegal connection was recorded in the same place. This was reported to the hotline of "Azersu JSC". The next day we contacted the 2nd police department of the Khazar region. Here they refuted the statement of the representative of Azersu, Anar Jabrailly that the complaint addressed to the water company about the illegal connection was sent to the police. Also, the representative of the police department noticed that there were no complaints from citizens. After the director of the Turan agency introduced himself, the situation changed: It turned out that a statement from Azersu and from citizens had been received and that the case was being studied by the investigator Javid Agayev.

Agayev was not found on the spot, he was on the road. However, the police admitted that we are talking about a fraudster who collected money from citizens, promising to hold water.
It was planned to illegally connect 60 consumers to this 20-inch!

One of the deceived potential water consumers told Turan that at least 20 people had written complaints to the 2nd police department. The source said that we are not talking about one fraudster, but a group of three people associated with government agencies. We have also received additional information on this case, which we are not disclosing yet in the interests of the investigation.

However, it should be emphasized that the case revealed a scheme by which consumers connect to water pipes bypassing the law, and then Azersu legalizes them. So, with the help of businessmen, with the "closed eyes" of all state structures, for an appropriate reward (from 300 to 1000 manats, depending on the location and distance), you connect to the water supply network without permission. Then, Azersu fines you 180 manats for illegal connection. Next, you are registered as an official water consumer with the installation of a meter and the issuance of a subscriber's personal account. Such a scheme allows a huge number of consumers to be connected to the network in a "guerrilla" way without technical justification. Hence there is confusion and accidents in the network, lack of water. At the same time, huge funds flow into the pockets of all interested parties. For example, in our case, about 40.000 manats illegally settled in the pockets of government officials. Nationwide, we are talking about hundreds of millions of manats. Loosers are the state and the budget. There is information that then these new connections, made at the expense of citizens, are registered as networks created at the expense of public funds.

The Law "On Provision of Water and Wastewater" unequivocally prohibits unauthorized connection of consumers to the water supply system, does not give the right to legalize the consumer after connection and provides for punishment in this case. We tried to find out in "Azersu" the mechanism of legalization of violators of the law, but they did not answer us. And yet we managed to establish that the legalization of violators of the law is carried out on the basis of internal regulatory document No. 203. That is, "Azersu" created a mechanism to circumvent the law and is itself the initiator of massive malicious violations of the law and embezzlement of funds.

Today, on August 12, when this article has already been ready, it becomes known that on the same ill-fated site, which was mentioned above and with the participation of all the same persons, a micro-trench is being dug again to connect to, now to another, water source. Azersu, the police, local executive and municipal authorities, as usual, do not see or hear anything - based on their own interests.

Trench bypassing the law
We believe that in order to stop this criminal practice, regulatory document No. 203 should be eliminated. The Law "On Provision of Water and Wastewater" adopted in 1999," is morally outdated, and requires revision in the interests of society and the state, not businessmen.–0—

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