Taxes Do Not Confirm Message about Criminal Case against Huseyn Abdullayev

The Press Service of the Ministry of Taxes does not confirm the report of a criminal case against former MP and businessman Huseyn Abdullayev for tax evasion.

The press service told Turan that information about this is only in the press.
In turn, the lawyer of the ex-deputy Kamandar Nasibov refused to speak on the subject. "I can not talk about it," he said, without explaining why.
 In the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General Office they also do not know anything about the criminal case against the former deputy.
Huseyn Abdullayev was an influential businessman and member of parliament. In 2007, he was sharply critical of the government for poor performance. On this basis, he started a fight with another MP Fazail Agamaly. As a result, Abdullayev was arrested and sentenced to two years of probation. After that, he went into the shadows.
Recently Abdullayev, has a tendency to write music and he wrote the song Susma - (Do not be silent!), which was performed by a group of Sharon. This song is an actual call to confrontation with the authorities, and includes a video recording of police brutality against demonstrators.
After the appearance of the video on Youtube, pressure began on Sharon and the group refused it.
Abdullayev himself, who according to some reports, has long been in Turkey, accused the authorities of Azerbaijan of pursuit of his friends and relatives after the clip Susma! was published.-16B-

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