Baku/06.09.23/Turan: Galib Bayramov, the brother of imprisoned economist Gubad Ibadoglu, has issued an urgent appeal to the embassies of the United States, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, France, and Germany in Azerbaijan. This plea follows reports that Gubad Ibadoglu's relatives have been prohibited from leaving the country.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has taken the unprecedented step of immediately reviewing the case of economist Gubad Ibadoglu. In a rare move, the ECHR's decision underscores the urgency and gravity of his situation.
Ghalib Togrul, the brother of Gubad Ibadoglu, shed light on the dire circumstances in a recent appearance on the program "Difficult Question." At the forefront of their concerns is Gubad Ibadoglu's health, which has raised alarm bells since his arrest.
Togrul expressed apprehension, stating, "The trials that began on July 23, following Gubad Ibadoglu's arrest, substantiate our concerns about his health. We are still awaiting complete information about the results of his medical examinations and tests. Although authorities have now consented to provide these results, we cannot verify their reliability as we have not had the opportunity to review them."
Gubad Ibadoglu underwent medical examinations three times—on July 25, August 3, and early September—after his transfer to the pre-trial detention center. However, obtaining the results of these examinations has proven to be an uphill battle for his family.
Togrul recounted their repeated appeals to various authorities, including the Baku pre-trial detention center, the Penitentiary Service, the Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice, and the Ombudsman, all of which yielded minimal results. Togrul described the authorities' responses as largely uncooperative. He highlighted one instance where the Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice provided an extract from the medical book that lacked critical medical indicators.
Togrul voiced his most pressing concerns regarding his brother's health, citing an aortic aneurysm as the gravest issue. Gubad Ibadoglu's aorta has expanded to a critical point, raising the risk of rupture. Additionally, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels pose significant health threats exacerbated by the pre-trial detention center's conditions, such as inadequate ventilation, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances due to nighttime lighting.
Furthermore, the course of treatment prescribed by medical professionals has concluded, necessitating new examinations and tests for a fresh treatment regimen. However, these vital documents have been withheld from Gubad Ibadoglu's family.
In light of these pressing concerns, Ghalib Togrul reached out to the Red Cross, urging intervention within their mandate. Simultaneously, appeals have been made to the embassies of the United States, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, France, and Germany to address this critical human rights issue.
Gubad Ibadoglu's case underscores the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of individuals facing incarceration, even amid complex geopolitical dynamics.
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