When will the Azerbaijani flag fly in Khankendi?

Baku/29.09.23/Turan: In a significant development following the dissolution of the self-proclaimed "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" (Artsakh) on September 28, 2023, questions have arisen about when the Azerbaijani flag will be displayed in Khankendi, the capital of this disputed region. As the situation continues to evolve, political commentators like Ilham Ismail are offering insights into the possible timeline and challenges surrounding this transition.

Footage circulating on social media platforms recently showed post-patrol cars belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan patrolling the streets of Khankendi, indicating ongoing efforts to establish security and order in the region.

Armenian sources have reported that a substantial portion of the population in Karabakh has left the area, with most remaining in Khankendi itself. Khojavend (Martuni) and Agdere (Mardakert) have been reported as nearly deserted.

Furthermore, Google has made changes to its map of Azerbaijan by removing Armenian toponyms from the Karabakh Economic Region. Previously, both Azerbaijani and Armenian place names were displayed on the map, but in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, only Azerbaijani toponyms are now indicated. 

Commentator Ilham Ismail weighed in on the timeline for displaying the Azerbaijani flag in Khankendi in the program "Difficult Question." He noted that Samvel Shahramanyan, the leader of the dissolved separatist regime, had issued a decree announcing the termination of the self-proclaimed "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" by January 1, 2024, giving a three-month window for the Azerbaijani state to implement humanitarian and social projects in the region. Ismail suggested that the Azerbaijani state might establish its presence in Khankendi before this deadline.

However, Ismail emphasized the paramount importance of addressing security concerns during this transition period. The presence of Azerbaijani Ministry of Internal Affairs patrols suggests that security is a top priority.

As the situation in Khankendi and the broader Karabakh region continues to evolve, the question of when the Azerbaijani flag will be displayed in Khankendi remains a matter of interest and ongoing analysis. The region's transition from a separatist regime to Azerbaijani governance is a complex process, and its outcomes will have significant implications for the future of the area and its inhabitants.

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