Average Salary of Civil Servants - 617.6 Manat

The average salary of civil servants was at 617.6 manat last year. This is 4 times higher than the salary of teachers and 5 times higher than the salary of medical staff.

According to State Statistics Committee, their total number in the country amounted to 30.1 thousand people (71.5% - men) by 1 January 2015. Staff of civil servants is completed at 91.6%.

The age of 16.7% civil servants does not exceed 30; the age of 14.5% is in the range of 30-34 years; 22.3% - 35-44 years; 25.8% - 45-54 years; 16.9% - 55-62 years; 3.8% of state employees - over 63 years old.

In addition, 8.7% of state employees have work experience of one year, 26.9% - from one to five years, 22.0% - from five to ten years, 16.0% - from 10 to 15 years, and 26 4% - more than 15 years of experience. --17D-

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