Growing number of workers employed

As of January 1 this year government-run and private companies had labor contracts with 1,510.1 thousand people. It is 29.4 thousand people more than the average for 2012 .

According to the State Statistics Committee, in 2003 in Azerbaijan on a contract basis 1,226.6 thousand people worked. In other words, over the past 10 years the number of employed persons increased by only 283.5 thousand people. The government announced the creation of 1.2 million new jobs in the country during the period.

The main part of the employed persons ( 900.2 thousand people) were employed in the public sector. It is noteworthy that for 10 years the number of employees in public administration , defense and social security increased approximately 2-fold and reached 95.6 thousand people in early 2013. Also doubled the number of employees of the construction sector (over 111 thousand ) .

Average monthly wages of employees in January- December 2013 amounted to 423 manat. - 08B -


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