Gubad Ibadoglu: The relocation of Ministers and the Sum of their Efforts will not Change

By the order of the President, the Ministry of Economic Development has become the Ministry of Industry and Economics. The functions of the Ministry headed by Natig Aliyev were limited to the regulation of the energy sector.

According to the expert Vugar Bayramov, this is due to the restructuring aimed at growth of the non-oil sector. "Diversification of the economy, according to the country's leadership, will lead to the fact that the share of oil production will be reduced, as the real sector in the years 2018-20 will be increased to 72-75 %. Forthcoming Regulation on the activities of the Ministry of Industry and economy is a clear testimony," he said.

Doctor of Economic Sciences Gubad Ibadoglu does not expect major changes. He believes that "usurpation" by the MED of functions of the previously existing trade bodies and the fight against monopolies has only led to cosmetic changes.

"If you see the list of appointed ministers, you will see the fruits of clans fighting for control of different areas. The Minister of Energy already was an officer with nominal functions and now without industry regulator he remains as if without portfolio. I did not see elements of modernization in the head of state order - the reversal of the Ministers will not change the sum of their efforts," concluded the scientist. - 17D-


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