Handling of Alfa Sigorta to the Office of Compulsory Insurance possible in six weeks

The insurance company Alfa Sigorta in January 2013, has the right to apply to the Ministry of Finance for the restoration of a license for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (new CTP).

As the head of State Insurance Supervision Service of the Finance Ministry Namik Khalilov told the media, the company appealed to the Office for permission for three types of compulsory insurance, but documented numerous violations CMTPL forced the Finance Ministry to revoke the license. By law, to expire at least six months for re-treatment, he added.

According to the Insurance Supervision Service, during the last three quarters of the company's premiums amounted to 3,819.2 thsd AZN and the payments - 792.88 thousand manats.

The company Alfa Sigorta has been in the local insurance market since 1997 and provides services for 25 types of insurance. In February 2008, it was given a perpetual license.

Until 2005, the insurance company operated under the name Ltd Murad.

The sole founder and major shareholder of the company is Bank Technique.

The authorized capital is 6.75 million manat. - 17D-


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