Houses for the poor in Azerbaijan

With a long delay, a draft "Strategy for Azerbaijani family" is being worked out. According to the profile State Committee, in accordance with the original idea it is planned to provide social housing for young families. Apartments there are on the balance sheet of the government and leased at prices far below market rates. The document also provides for the simplification of the conditions for granting social mortgages for low-income youth.

In addition, the project considers issues such as the protection of reproductive health of young families and family planning.

The offers have been pre-approved by the Government and discussed at the working group level. With the improvement of the document, it will be forwarded to other government agencies for feedback.

The strategy for the Azerbaijani family has been prepared in accordance with the concept of "Azerbaijan 2020: Looking into the Future."

In practice, such projects are not provided with the support of government agencies. Though the state budget for three consecutive years has allocated 40 million manat for social mortgage, its issuance (up to 50 thousand manat at 4% per annum) by commercial banks was provided only in the first half of 2007, and then stopped because of the small commercial gain.

According to the MP Ali Masimli, the allocation of additional funds from the budget is not a panacea. In Azerbaijan, it makes sense to practice the "people's houses," following the example of post-war Germany, which successfully solved the problem of a shortage of affordable housing. "If the same 40 million allocated for social mortgage is provided to build houses and rent them for 50-100 manat per month, it will make a lot more affordable housing for young families, professionals and other citizens in need of housing,” he said. --17D-

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