MasterForex in Financial Market of Azerbaijan

MFX Group, known more as a MasterForex, opening an office in Baku, marked presence in the financial market of Azerbaijan. More than a quarter of the funds invested in the opening of the office - the money of St. Petersburg businessmen, the rest is due to AFB bank.

According to the head of the group Igor Volkov during a press conference at the news agency Interfax- Azerbaijan, the first major capital he had done with the money earned in Forex, today his brainchild - the most active and aggressive innovative structure in the CIS countries with experience in Asia and Latin America.

Here, the company launched two shares. The first is "We 'll double your money in 2 minutes ." This service allows beginners to double contributions (due to the financial structure) with minimal risk . The project is indirectly operates on the principle of the bubble and its success depends entirely on the arrival of new players and new deposits. With proper behavior of investors they can comfortably grow up to 1 year. Citing new investors and advertising design, you can extend its life. Thanks to him , the investor can make money without leaving the couch . Due to statistics tracked by the number of deposits , the amount of funds withdrawn for a day, the amount of new deposits and even the number of contributors .

The second event is "Spend the New Year in St. - Petersburg." It is easier - starts today , ends on December 5. For trader whose balance by that date will be the greatest , he has a chance to get a week-long tour with comprehensive services (all services are free of charge - from plane tickets to accommodation and service guide) .

Owners of large deposits will have segregated accounts for safe trading, allowing to keep money in the bank account , but to trade in the foreign exchange market in full equipment. According to Volkov , the benefits of segregated accounts in keeping clients' money separate from the finance broker and the full protection of the client's money in insurance of force majeure circumstances connected with the activities of a broker. Actually, the client receives the same protection as the opening of personal bank accounts. Just a segregated account opening procedure is much simpler.

Baku - the first city in the CIS , which MasterForex noticed , and the reason - an abundance of easy oil money earned is not in production, the classic services and trade .

In Azerbaijan, the first bank - partner MFX Group - AFB bank. The second city of the former Soviet Union , where it will open an office of the company - Tbilisi.

Company MFX Group created 2 October 2006 . It is one of the first companies to offer contests short on real accounts with cash prizes inferred. In 2007 MasterForex one of the first in the world introduces a cent account. From now on, new traders can shape their trading strategies and meeting the market with minimal financial risk.

It has its own standard of customer service and an international department on work with clients, employees who are ready to solve the customer's question on the world's major languages. It has opened an innovative ECN- account (Electronic Communication Network), where sellers and buyers are trading in commodities for sale - based on the coincidence of the proposed prices. - 17D-


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