OTC stock market rages

In October of this year in the OTC market concluded 37 transactions at face value of the securities for a total amount of 3.7 million manat. It is 4 times more than the year before. Compared with September 2012, the stock market in the OTC segment grew 5.4 times, stated in the National Depository Center.

Thanks to the "merits" of the State Committee for Securities, active processes in the OTC market from March 2012 have again become opaque. Cause unknown for some securities transactions are conducted, though in January and February BSE released data on daily operations.

According to the NDC, in October, the volume of transactions in the secondary market on the trading platform was 32.8 mln (-40% compared to October 2011) and the placement of securities - 17.4 million manat (-35%). - 08D-


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