SOCAR closeness can lead to a large number of disclosures by EITI

Baku on Friday held a final (reporting and election) conference of the NGO Coalition for greater transparency of extractive industry dedicated to its activity in 2013.

Almost ready are amendments to the memorandum on joint activities of the Multilateral Force for the Implementation in Azerbaijan Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). The group consists of non-governmental organizations, officials from the government, representatives of the state oil company , the State Oil Fund and foreign companies involved in the agreement on the division of shares from the extraction of natural resources. As noted today at the final ( report-election ) conference of the Coalition of NGOs to strengthen the Extractive Industries Transparency , it remains only to negotiate with the government, which position extraction and sale of natural resources , including oil and gas, will be disclosed in the reports carefully , which will be given at the discretion of the state monopolists.

According to chairman of the Center for Assistance to Free Economy Zohrab Ismail , the memorandum has several positive aspects. So , if before the meetings of the multilateral group invited representatives of four NGOs after the entry into force (roughly , in the first quarter of 2014 ) , any member of the Coalition will be able , by contacting its monitoring team , become a party to the debate. In addition, an agreement with the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) on bringing to work (wages from non-governmental organizations) in the secretariat of the Multilateral Group of representatives of the Coalition.

In the preparation of the Memorandum were directly involved (on a parity basis) as representatives of the Petroleum Fund . The participants noted that the new draft Memorandum of Understanding on EITI Working Group prepared in accordance with the new standards, adopted by the VI World Conference EITI in 2013.

One expert told Turan, that starting from January next year the Coalition will face obstacles in bringing "to mind" the Memorandum. Government agencies try to bargain with the signing of the document of civil society more closed positions. However, there will be progress. Not random, he called the publication on December 10 of the investigation Azerbaijan Anonymous conducted by the international non-governmental organization Global Witness.

"This is the message the state oil company SOCAR that it makes no sense to hide the information, because all beneficiaries of transactions with hydrocarbons aren registered abroad and are accountable to the tax authorities of the countries to promote projects of globalization. A little-known businessman Anar Aliyev received property rights, at least in 48 transactions with the state oil monopoly , - one of the many chains of the secret corruption network," states the specialist . According to him, SOCAR is given the opportunity to provide general financial statements (truncated) - otherwise this structure will face loud denunciations, the ends of which can go directly to the country's political leadership, he concluded.

Recall, 10 December, International Human Rights Day, the organization Global Witness (UK) published a report on transactions with unknown SOCAR public companies registered in the name of some Anar Aliyev, who was born in Nakhchivan autonomy. Causes and results of his participation in transactions with a personal income of $ 375 million are known to a limited number of people, that is of concern to local and international community. Unaccounted- controlled and little income individuals on a large scale may be directed to the creation and functioning of terrorist and other criminal organizations.

According to members of the Coalition of NGOs, transparency in the extractive industries (especially in the production of hydrocarbons) Azerbaijan relevant if only because that 70% of the country's budget revenues are directly related to the export of oil and petroleum products. Azerbaijan for 10 years has been facing the problem of trust in the EITI, where it is a permanent member. - 17D-


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