Sumgait Superphosphate Plant again Put Up for Privatization

An investment competition for sale of 99.83 % stake (3,766,106 shares) of "Sumqayit Superfosfat", created on the basis of Sumgait superphosphate plant has been announced. Efforts are undertaken since the sale of the business in June 2005 . And in November 2012 the company has lost about half is in its use of the land.

In addition to the investment program for rehabilitation of the enterprise , production of products that are required on the local market and export destination , applicants must submit a proposal for the transfer to the state budget as a bonus of 1.5 million manat. In addition, the company has commitments totaling 1.765 million manat.

By decree of President Ilham Aliyev on the establishment of LLC High-Tech Park - YT Parki, last year 30 hectares of land of the 62.4 ha JSC Sumqayit Superfosfat were taken away. Under the buildings were 17.9 hectares. Also partly demolished was the manufacturing and other facilities. Nevertheless, the authorized capital stock was kept at the same level - 7.545 million manat.

Over the last 3 years the economic activity of the superphosphate plant existing since 1956 has worsened, as evidenced by the reduction of employees from 540 to 251 people.

Tender proposals are accepted until October 1st. - 08D-


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