Three-fourth of Tea Consumed in Azerbaijan Not Included in Financial Statements

The analysis of information on imports and exports, as well as industrial and agricultural indicators give reason to believe that about three-quarters of tea consumption in Azerbaijan is not considered.

According to the State Customs Committee, in 2014 Azerbaijan imported 8,244.4 tons of tea and tea extract, which is 731.5 tons, or 8.2% less than in the previous year. The volume of imports in value terms amounted to $ 20 million 64.9 thousand, down 2%. Tea comes from the U.A.E. - 130.2 tons, China - 127.4 tons, India - 875 tons, Iran - 602.3 tons, Sri Lanka - 6147.6 tons, Turkey - 76.8 tons, Kenya - 65 tons, Thailand - 43.5 tons, Vietnam - 65.1 tons, and other countries.

According to preliminary data of the State Statistics Committee, in 2014 the production of fermented tea in industrial enterprises amounted to 8,039.2 tons, 8% more than in 2013. SSC data indicate that exactly two-thirds of the imported tea is exported to Azerbaijan. Last year, exports amounted to 5 440.6 tons. The volume of imports fell by 2 145.2 tons, or 28%. Exports generated $ 31,245 000. This is 13.1 million less than in 2013. "Azerbaijani tea" goes to Iraq (3,640 tons) and Georgia (402.3 tons).

In 2014, 474.2 tons of crops were gathered from the tea plantations, 16.5% less than in the previous year. After the industrial processing in the best case, it will be 200 tons of dry tea.

Thus, at an annual rate of local consumers got this balance of approximately 3 000 tons of tea. According to estimates of the Association of Azerbaijan Growers, tea consumption per capita is 3.2 kg per year. According to the marketing research center ERA, the menu of 97.7% of the population has an indispensable attribute of tea: one-third of the population drinks 2-3 cups of tea a day, and 28% drink 5 cups a day.

 According to the balance of food per year, at least 11 000 tons of tea is consumed in Azerbaijan. Customs claims that 5,500 tons of tea is imported into the country by citizens, bypassing customs procedures.

A kilogram of tea in retail sales is on average 4.64 manat. This is 5% higher than in December 2013. ---- 08B

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