Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry: Bordyuzha’s statement is contrary to the  osition of the OSCE Minsk Group

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry strongly condemns  another provocation of Armenian Armed Forces reconnaissance on  December 29 morning  at the border of the two countries in order to deliberate aggravation of the situation.

The statement of the Foreign Ministry said that rather than take concrete steps to resolve the conflict and to start substantive negotiations, Armenia seeks through various provocations to disrupt the negotiations, to continue the aggression against Azerbaijan, to strengthen its presence in the occupied territories, to engage in the conflict a third party for the purpose of maintaining the status quo.

The statement also said the unilateral nature of the comments  of the CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha in connection with today's incident.

"Contrary to the position of the CSTO member states and the essence of the negotiation process under the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group, he called the occupation regime established in the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which is unacceptable.

Before you come up with some statements and comments the CSTO Secretary General must correctly analyze, and then comment on the situation,"  reads the statement.

Baku  jointly with the co-chairs of OSCE MG  will continue efforts and negotiations to resolve the conflict within the norms and principles of international law, UN Security Council resolutions and the Helsinki Final Act with the aim to eliminate the Armenian aggression and the consequences of the occupation of territories and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, said in a statement .

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia also made a statement on this fact, calling on OSCE to condemn Azerbaijan,  and blamed the leadership of Azerbaijan for the incident.–06D-

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