Jeyhun Bayramov

Jeyhun Bayramov

Baku/27.10.22Turan: On October 26 Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov met with heads of diplomatic missions of the European Union (EU) member states accredited in Baku. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The sides exchanged views on the current cooperation agenda between Azerbaijan and the EU in political, economic, energy, investment, educational and other fields, as well as the situation in the region.

Bayramov spoke about Azerbaijan's role in ensuring energy security in Europe and in diversifying energy supplies. In this regard, the sides emphasized the importance of signing the Memorandum of Understanding on July 18 this year, which provides for the doubling of the volume of gas transportation to the EU, as well as cooperation in the development of alternative energy sources. According to the Minister, there is wide energy potential in the liberated territories, and Azerbaijan is already implementing a number of projects for the effective use of this potential.

Also, Bayramov touched upon the potential for cooperation in investment and trade. He noted Azerbaijan's efforts to develop the East-West transport corridor. In this context, Bayramov pointed out that the steps taken by Azerbaijan to open communications in the region, including the launch of the Zangezur corridor, are hampered by Armenia's non-constructive position.

The Minister informed the participants about the processes of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the signing of a peace treaty and the steps taken to reintegrate the Armenian population living in the region.  He also drew attention to the threat of anti-personnel mines and provocations by Armenia that undermine the peace process.

In turn, head of the EU delegation to Azerbaijan Petr Mikhalko noted that high-level contacts play an important role in the development of cooperation. In this regard, he expressed confidence that the earliest possible revision of the draft of the new agreement between Azerbaijan and the European Union would make an important contribution to the further development of relations.

The Minister then answered numerous questions from the heads of diplomatic missions. -06-

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