Hikmet Hajiyev: Resolution of French Senate Nothing More Than Piece of Paper

Baku / 25.11.20 / Turan: The resolution "On the need for recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic", adopted on November 25 by the French Senate for Azerbaijan, is nothing more than a piece of paper, said Assistant to the President, Head of the International Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev.

“This step, taken on the basis of narrow political ambitions, in addition to a gross violation of international law, the UN Charter and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, raises serious questions about the intentions and objective activities of France as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group and a permanent member of the UN Security Council,” he said. Hajiyev.

This provocative step by the Senate is a manifestation of the traditional pro-Armenian sympathies of the French political circles.

“Forgetting that the mediating country should be neutral and fair, France took an open pro-Armenian position, and this was one of the main obstacles to a peaceful settlement of the conflict and compliance with the norms and principles of international law. It was this support that encouraged the aggressor Armenia to maintain the status quo and consolidate the fact of the occupation,” Hajiyev continued.

At the same time, the French Senate has been silent for 30 years regarding the occupation of the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan, the killings of civilians, ethnic cleansing, environmental terrorism, illegal settlements and illegal economic activity on Azerbaijani lands.

“We categorically reject the false accusations and slander against Azerbaijan and brotherly Turkey contained in the text of the resolution, and we strongly condemn any attempts to distort the historical, political and legal aspects of the conflict,” Hajiyev further stressed.

Allegations that Turkey and Azerbaijan allegedly recruited foreign mercenaries for military operations are unfounded.

On the contrary, French citizens took part in hostilities on the territory of Azerbaijan in the ranks of the Armenian Armed Forces and the French authorities were informed about these facts.

“We see the resolution as a clear example of growing Islamophobia in France. Discrimination and persecution of Islam and Muslims in France under the guise of extreme secularism and freedom of the press reminds us of the anti-Semitism that once ruled the country and continues to this day,” Hajiyev said.

The French Senate has deliberately refrained from condemning Armenia's military provocations against civilians, civilian objects, energy and transport infrastructure near and far from the conflict zone for 44 days, as a result of which a large number of civilians in Azerbaijan were killed during the massive shelling of cities and villages.

The pro-Armenian political circles of France must understand that Azerbaijan is waging a war against foreign occupying forces on its territory, and these territories are the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan recognized by international law. No force can blame Azerbaijan for this and demand the withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops from these territories.

A joint statement signed by the President of Azerbaijan, the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of Armenia on November 10, 2020 put an end to the military escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan and began practical work to establish peace in the region. “Unfortunately, France, one of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, is paradoxically trying to violate this agreement and ignite the conflict. The recent hypocritical policy of France towards our country in a number of international organizations raises serious concerns and questions from the Azerbaijani side,” Hajiyev further notes.

“We consider the adoption of this resolution a very shameful step for French politics and parliamentarism. The French government should declare its official position on the inadmissibility of such provocative steps and express its support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, making a statement condemning the resolution,” the Azerbaijani diplomat concluded. -06B-


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