İlham Əliyev Qarabağ, Böyük Vətən müharibələri, Çernobıl əlillərinə və şəhid ailələrinə mənzillərin və avtomobillərin verilməsi mərasimində.

İlham Əliyev Qarabağ, Böyük Vətən müharibələri, Çernobıl əlillərinə və şəhid ailələrinə mənzillərin və avtomobillərin verilməsi mərasimində.

Baku/01.08.18/Turan: "... Probably, in the world there is no such second state that would give its citizens so much attention and care."

President Ilham Aliyev delivered these words in his speech at the ceremony of providing houses and apartments to war veterans and martyr families on August 1. According to AZERTAJ, the President said the country's economy is in development.

"Next year, the results will be even better. Initial forecasts have already been given. The next year will be a year of rapid development. Thus, financial opportunities will increase. The main tasks facing the country, infrastructure projects, and, most importantly, social issues, will be realized, to which these funds will be spent and we will solve your problems." Ilham Aliyev also spoke about the settlement of the Karabakh problem and about the latest developments in Armenia. He said the conflict has one way to settle.

"The territorial integrity of our country must be restored. Nagorno-Karabakh is our primordial historical territory. This is evidenced by history and international law. All countries of the world recognize and support our territorial integrity," the President said, noting that Armenia is going through hard days.

"Azerbaijan hears peace appeals from Armenia"

"The regime of the criminal junta, who led Armenia for 20 years, fell. Their occupation policy failed. The main reason for their current situation is the policy of occupation. If there was not this occupational policy, Armenia would not be isolated from regional projects and could benefit. It is because of the occupation policy that Armenia is today in such a difficult isolated situation, and for economic development there are no prospects. And this will continue until the relations with Azerbaijan are normalized. And the road to normalization is one - the occupying state must leave our territories immediately and unconditionally. "

Ilham Aliyev noted that the new government of Armenia should understand this well.

"They should not make mistakes of the former criminal junta regime. True, the new government is still more engaged in domestic affairs. However, I would like to note that the contradictory statements voiced on their part cause surprise both for us and for the countries and international organizations dealing with this issue. Since these statements refuting each other are incomprehensible," Aliyev said, noting that they are yet another blow to the peace process.

Ilham Aliyev noted that appeals to the world are coming from Armenia, and Azerbaijan hears these calls.

"We also want peace, but we also want our lands. Until our lands are returned, there will be no peace. The new leadership of Armenia should understand this well. If they want peace, Armenian soldiers must leave our lands. What do Armenian soldiers do in our lands? Citizens who suffered so much from the war, disabled citizens of Azerbaijan were killed and disabled on their land, and not on the land of Armenia. Therefore, the conflict has one solution - the occupying forces must leave our territories immediately and unconditionally. Then peace will reign in the region and then there can be connections between Azerbaijan and Armenia," the President said. I. Aliyev stressed that Azerbaijan will not give up its policy.

"If the Armenian leadership continues to drag out the negotiations, we will continue our policy of isolation, using all means for this, because the role of Azerbaijan in the fall of the criminal junta regime is not small. The blow that led them to the fall was inflicted by us two years ago," Aliyev said, describing the April battles.

At the end of the speech, he stressed that "the leadership of Armenia should know: if they want peace, they must leave our lands voluntarily." -0-

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