On 24 April the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkey will celebrate the 100 anniversary of the Battle in Chanagkale

The presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the heroic victory of the Turkish army in Chankagkale on April 24, 2015,   was stated at the press conference  of the two leaders in Ankara.

Aliyev called” a wise step” the election of this date.  On  24 April  Armenia plans to hold in Yerevan 100th anniversary of the so-called "Armenian genocide" in 1915 in the Ottoman Empire.

The appointment of 24 April for marking the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Chanagkale  means  a waiver of the Turkish leadership to take part in the events in Yerevan.

The battle in Chanagkale became one of the most important events of the First World War,  and is also known as "Dardanel operation."

In 1915, the combined Allied forces attempted to force the Straits of the Dardanelles and capture Istanbul. However, the Turkish army stopped, inflicting a crushing  strike.-06D-

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