Siruz Tebrizli died

Early in the morning died Siruz Tebrizli, well-known activist of the national movement in the late 80s. He died in his country house in the village Nabran, Turan was told by Etibar Mammadov, the head of the National Independence Party leader.

"He was healthy and was not complaining of anything, despite he was 71-year-old," said Mamedov.

Siruz Tebrizli was one of the organizers of rallies in Baku in the spring of 1988, when the Armenian separatists in Nagorno-Karabakh raised the question of secession of the region from Azerbaijan.

In the early 90's Tebrizli became one of the closest persons to Heydar Aliyev, and actively contributed to his coming to power.

Under the government of Heydar Aliyev, he became a Minister of Information and Press, and then a became a member of parliament of the two convocations. In the late 90s he sharply criticized the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan", calling it the party of "faceless thugs." After that, he lost his parliamentary seat, and retired from government circles. -02В-


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