TeliaSonera Eurasia Denies Allegations


The telecommunications company TeliaSonera considers biased and untrue the article “Mobile telecom democracy without borders” published on the website on January 5. This article was published, referring to the Swedish Public Television and Accountability Project for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption (OCCRP).

The Vice President, Corporate Communications TeliaSonera Eurasia Erim Taylanar wrote to a letter to state the views of the company on charges in connection with corruption and the transfer of personal information of subscribers to Azercell Telecom to anyone else. Theletterreads:

“At the outset, I would like to mention that “There are serious suspicions that the holding has paid bribes to the officials in Uzbekistan for access to local market” and “that 2 high-level managers of TeliaSonera have created an offshore company for acquiring 3G licenses in the Central Asian countries” are not true.

TeliaSonera has faced only one claim of this sort, related to our business in Uzbekistan, and there are two on-going independent investigations regarding this claim and our investment in Uzbekistan. Gunnar Stetler, public prosecutor in Sweden, has initiated an investigation. At the same time, and at TeliaSonera's initiative, the law firm Mannheimer Swartling under the leadership of Björn Riese, Managing partner, is conducting an independent investigation.

Both investigations are still on-going and allegations regarding TeliaSonera paying a bribe to family members of the Uzbekistan President, and the connection of our local partner in Uzbekistan, Takilant, to the president’s family have not been confirmed. It is well worth noting that on December 12, 2012 the Stockholm District Court dismissed the public prosecutor Gunnar Stetler's request for a supplementary embargo of SEK 1.8 billion on Takilant’s accounts, tied to bribery.

For TeliaSonera, a thorough investigation of our investment in Uzbekistan is of utmost importance. Until this has been completed, our company's management and employees are having to bear with unsubstantiated allegations. TeliaSonera's management is convinced that the continued legal procedures will confirm that the corruption allegations are unfounded. Nothing in the information that has emerged thus far changes this assessment. In addition to that, quoting Azercell’s name when it has nothing to do with the latter, in connection with the unconfirmed information related to TeliaSonera’s operations in the countries other than Azerbaijan is preconception and incorrect.

Also, it is important to note that our operation in Azerbaijan, Azercell does not compromise any personal information of its subscribers in exchange for anything. Azercell is the largest mobile operator in Azerbaijan and its aim is to provide mobile services and enable Azerbaijani citizens to communicate and access information. TeliaSonera acts in strict accordance with the local laws and regulations in all countries where we have operations. We do acknowledge the possibility of concerns following legislative, administrative, license or law enforcement requirements to which we must adhere, but may impact individual’s privacy and freedom of expression. However, it is a duty of all telecommunication companies operating in the country, to abide by local laws and regulations”.—0--

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