Twenty third Anniversary of the Popular Front


A solemn event dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of the creation of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan (PFA) took place today in the headquarters of the Civil Solidarity Party.

   The event was attended by representatives of many parties, intellectuals, community leaders, and youth activists. 

   The PFA was established on July 16, 1989 and headed the national-democratic movement for the independence of Azerbaijan. The struggle led to the proclamation of independence for Azerbaijan in October 1991.

    The PFA government, headed by Abulfaz Elchibey, obtained the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Azerbaijan in 1993, and contributed to the development of a multiparty system in Azerbaijan.

 Later the Popular Front party distanced itself from "Musavat", National Independence, the Civil Solidarity and the Democratic Parties.

    In 1995 the PFA transformed into the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA). Ali Kerimli who   has headed the PFA since 2000, talked about problems facing the Party. He quoted the late leader  Elchibey: "We have achieved the independence of Azerbaijan, we will achieve its democratization."

   Concerning the attitude of international organizations and Western states to the PFA, Kerimli said: "Those who represent Ilham Aliyev as democratic have already relinquished this view. These states and organizations should not support the corrupt people in Azerbaijan, as they do it in their own countries," said Kerimli.

   The international community must denounce those who are afraid to take bribes in their countries, but take them in Azerbaijan.

    Kerimli also called on the Turkish authorities to stop the prosecution of Azeri human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev: "Intigam Aliyev is the voice of many victims of the Azerbaijani regime, seeking justice in the European Court of Human Rights."

   One of the founders of the Forum of Azerbaijani Intellectuals, Rafiq Aliyev, called on numerous political parties to consolidate the struggle for democracy.

   A similar appeal was made by the chairman of the Open Society party, Sulhaddin Akbar, who said "The history of the struggle of NFA shows that great goals can be achieved by great associations."

     The speakers also noted the role of youth in achieving changes. The youth of the 1960s gained Azerbaijan’s independence. Today's young people should achieve national freedom and democracy for 50 million Azeris in North and South Azerbaijan, said Professor Firudun Djalilov.—03B06-


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