Maria Zakharova.

Maria Zakharova.

Baku/02.08.22/Turan: Russia is making efforts to prepare a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Special Representative of the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Khovaev holds regular consultations with the parties in order to find a common language, achieve mutually acceptable basic principles and parameters of a peace agreement. Such contacts took place on July 21 in Baku and on July 28 in Yerevan,  the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated at a briefing on August 2. 

The demarcation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border is also an important area of ​​Russia's mediation efforts to improve the dialogue between our Transcaucasian neighbors. The advisory role of Moscow in this process is recorded in the Sochi tripartite statement of November 26, 2021. At the end of May, a corresponding bilateral commission was established, and the first familiarization meetings between representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan took place on the border of the two countries.

For our part, we are always ready to receive our Armenian and Azerbaijani friends on the territory of Russia. We are confident that Russia's unique, professional capabilities in terms of border demarcation in the post-Soviet space can significantly strengthen security on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and in the region as a whole. We proceed from the fact that Yerevan and Baku will determine specific dates for holding certain events,” Zakharova said. --02D--

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