Arastun Orujlu Announced Election Program

Nominated for President the head of the Research Center of the "East-West" Arastun Orujlu at today's press conference, presented the main lines of his election platform.

First, he noted that the 3.5 months prior to the elections in the country there is no atmosphere of political struggle for the top job.

Unlimited power of the president leads to absolutism, which is not only about the Constitution, but also the lack of legitimacy of the legislative and judicial branches.

"The absolutism of power and the subsequent behavior has a negative impact on domestic and foreign policy, the future of the country," said Orujlu.

One of the main points of the pre-election platform of Orujlu is the reform of public administration and maintenance of real separation of powers. In particular, it offers Orujlu strip the president the right to initiate legislation or to restrict it to a minimum.

He further proposes decentralization of power and the gradual transfer of its local municipalities. Instead of the current system of executive authorities of cities and regions it is proposed to establish the regional representatives of the president. Their function will be to monitor the implementation of decisions of the central government and law enforcement.

Monetary and financial system must remain a unitary and clearly differentiated taxes to local and central.

It is proposed to increase the number of MPs from 125 to 200, and to hold elections by the mixed majority-proportional system.

Parliament should appoint the prime minister. Members of the government nominees who have agreed to nominate the president and the prime minister should also be approved by the Parliament. Government must be accountable to the government.

Reforms are needed to ensure the independence of the courts. However, the key point of the program Orujlu considers the fight against corruption.

Orujlu finds no effective expropriation of illegal income and offers the legalization of property by an amnesty. Of course, the wealth acquired by the drug trade, and people from other criminal offenses are uniquely subject to confiscation.

Funds also acquired through corrupt deals can be legalized by the imposition of a large one-time fee.

It is also important to ensure the property rights of citizens. Only in Baku and Absheron about 500,000 housing units have no documents referring to corruption in the system of property registration. Sometimes bribes for making home ownership reach 15-30 thousand manats.

In addition, citizens are deprived of property without providing adequate compensation for the realization of the objectives of crazy sometimes.

"The practice of barbaric attitude to the property of citizens must be stopped," said Orujlu.

In the economic sphere are invited to support small and medium-sized businesses:

simplification of the tax and customs systems, diversification of the banking sector. "The banking sector is concentrated in the hands of 5-6 families, with over 80% - in the same family. Because of this, lending rates are very high and 16-18%," said Orujlu.

He supports the early accession of Azerbaijan to the WTO, the creation of conditions for investment, including the banking sector.

Orujlu also supports toughening penalties for election fraud.

In the field of education it is offered in public schools provide free education. For the majority of people are not able to pay for their studies.

The state is not fulfilling program to finance training of students abroad. So, in spite of allocating 16.5 million manat, this article is performed by a third. Since the commission headed by Ramiz Mehdiyev arranges test pedigree of students in terms of their reliability.

Orujlu also criticized security policy, which is inconsistent. From Ukraine Azerbaijan has bought refurbished military aircraft and navigation equipment to them is purchased from France. It is also unclear about purchasing a large number of unmanned aircraft.

But most of all Orujlu is outraged by purchases from Russia of large quantities of weapons.

He believes it is important to strengthen the military potential of the country due to the strong aviation fleet.

Referring to the Karabakh conflict Orujlu said compromise with Azerbaijan in terms of territorial concessions are not allowed. At the same time, he believes that a military solution to the problem is not available either.

In order to successfully advance the peace process, Azerbaijan must become a strong democratic state with a strong civil society.

In foreign policy Orujlu believes the course of Azerbaijan should join it to the EU and NATO.

With regard to cooperation with the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) Orujlu did not rule it out. "For us, the priority values ?are rights of the person," said Orujlu.

He did not directly comment on the question of whether he can support a single candidate from NCDF. However, he expressed willingness to engage in dialogue with all political forces to create the conditions for democratic elections.

In his view, the people will take an active part in the elections if politicians talk about the real problems of people will convince citizens of the falsity of the statements of the authorities.

For example, he pointed to the failure of President Ilham Aliyev's statements that unemployment and poverty are reduced to 5-6%. Among the low-paid people there are 270,000 teachers, 97,000 physicians, 1,271 million pensioners and about 300,000 unemployed.

In addition, only in 2011 in Russia arrived around 500,000 migrants from Azerbaijan. All together - 1 million 938 thousand people, and it is 21.5% of the population.

The size of the minimum basket of 93-125 AZN, but unofficial sources - 154-210 manats.

Orujlu noted that the events in Guba and Ismayilli showed potential readiness of the people to fight for their rights and dignity.

Orujlu was born in Shamkir August 18, 1963. He is a doctor by education. In 1992-93. at the Popular Front government he worked in the MNS. From 1996 to 2011, was the representative of Azerbaijan in the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Since 2004, he founded and headed the Research Center "East-West".

His candidature was put forward by the movement "Azerbaijan 2013", founded by a group of young people. -06C-


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