Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Interview of Sadettin Tantan, Chairman of the Homeland Party, Minister of Internal Affairs of the 57th Ecevit Government, to Turan News Agency.

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Turan: At the last CIS summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the arrival of "peacekeeping" forces in Azerbaijan was beneficial and that 52,000 Armenians had returned. Do the Russian armed forces, which control about 4,000 square kilometers of Azerbaijan and the Lachin border checkpoint, perform their function impartially?

Tantan: Looking at what it has done, the steps it has taken, and the statements it has made, I do not think that Russia will give up its gains in the South Caucasus. Turkey and Azerbaijan see this fact. However, under the pretext of the armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Russia took control of the Lachin corridor and settled in Azerbaijan, and under Article IX of the agreement signed on November 10, it also gave control of the Zangazur corridor to its intelligence. This shows that it wants to control the South Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the region up to the Gulf of Oman. For the withdrawal of the Russian armed forces and intelligence agencies from the region, the Azerbaijani parliament must make a decision without delay, and President Aliyev must sign it without delay. Turkey must also withdraw its armed forces there and provide comprehensive training to the Azerbaijani army.

Turan: At the CIS summit, Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan said that "transport corridors will be opened and Russia and Iran will use it effectively". In this case, aren't Russia and Armenia making more money?

Tantan: The Zangazur corridor is a locked region for Turkey, Azerbaijan, and the Turkic world. It is Turkish land. The opening of the land, air, and rail transport from there will mean the launch of the road from Turkey to Nakhchivan and from there to the Turkic world, which European countries will be able to use. It must be completely controlled by Azerbaijan.

Turan: It is known that in the November 10 agreement, control of the Zangazur corridor was given to Russian intelligence. What would you like to say about this?

Tantan: Russia's settlement in the South Caucasus under the pretext of war, provided that it does not leave again, shows that the same policy has been pursued since the time of Tsarist Russia. As a global power, Russia is demonstrating its power for its own interests in the regions where it wants to dominate. The processes taking place around Nagorno-Karabakh and Zangazur today also show this.

Turan: After the Putin-Aliyev-Pashinyan meeting in the Kremlin on January 11, the President of Azerbaijan said that as a result of the opening of transport corridors, "they can enter the Turkish market". At the current stage, we see that the ropes are largely in the hands of Russia. How do you evaluate the situation?

Tantan: I think the Zangazur corridor will be a great contribution to the development of the region in all respects. There are no restrictions on the passages through the corridor. If Azerbaijan controls its ancient lands, the people of the region will live in prosperity instead of moving away from it. First of all, I think that the issue of Russia’s control over transport needs to be reconsidered.

Mayis Alizade

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