

Baku/11.02.23/Turan: February 11 marks 60 days since the start of the ecological picket of Azerbaijanis on the Lachin road. For the past two months, the separatist leadership in Karabakh has been claiming a blockade, although dozens of trucks with food and other goods pass by the picket every day in both directions. In some countries, pro-Armenian circles accuse official Baku of provoking the hunger of Armenians in Karabakh.

However, the truth occasionally gets into the press. On the 61st day of the eco-ticket, blogger David Stepanyan, who lives in Khankendi, admitted that there is no blockade in reality. Moreover, he cited the facts about this in a post titled "Two months in the blockade"

In particular, he notes:
"... during the blockade, our population did not receive any help, the goods are coming, but their contents are sold to the people at exorbitant prices, and for this we also have to stand in line for hours in the February frost.

One lemon used to cost 200 drams, now it costs 500, three whitefish used to cost 1000 drams, now one costs that much. Sneakers were sold for 250 drams, now the price is from 300 to 800 drams. Speculation is called. A question arises, who is profiting from humanitarian goods..".

1 Armenian dram is equal to 0.0043 Azerbaijani manat.

The blogger also reported that Gagik Tsarukyan, a billionaire from Armenia, will provide the necessary assistance to all parents whose children were born during the blockade. "He also said that he is sending 10 trucks with food, medicines and humanitarian aid to Artsakh."

The question is, how will Tsarukyan deliver 10 trucks to Karabakh if the region is blocked by the Azerbaijanis, as the Armenians claim?

It should be asdded that only on February 8, 62 cars of Russian peacekeepers with everything necessary for life support of the population passed unhindered along the Khankendi-Lachyn road. The participants of the protest action do not interfere with the movement of transport used for humanitarian purposes.

*On December 12, 2022, a group of eco-activists of Azerbaijan blocked the Lachin-Khankendi road, protesting against the illegal exploitation by Armenians of the gold and copper-molybdenum mines "Gyzylbulag" and "Demirli" in the Karabakh economic region.

The territory is currently in the zone of temporary control of Russian peacekeepers.

The action began after the representatives of the state structures of Azerbaijan were not allowed by the Armenians to conduct monitoring at illegally operated mines.

At the same time, picketers do not prevent the passage of vehicles carrying life-support goods - food, medicines, manufactured goods, etc.

Official Baku rejects Yerevan's statement about the complete blockade of the Armenian-populated part of Karabakh.-0-

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