At the trial on Ismayilli events police officers testify against I.Mamedov and T.Yagublu

At the trial on Ismayilli events  held in the Sheki Serious Crimes Court  on January 14 police officers testified against I.Mamedov and T.Yagublu.

A police officer Bekir Khalafov, who testified in the first half of the day , said  that he saw the head of the  REAL Movement, Ilgar Mamedov, and deputy chairman of "Musavat" Tofig Yagublu on January 24  in Ismayilli region among the crowd , but they stood in silence , watching the scene ;  after the break policeman changed his testimony.

So, after persistent questions of the prosecutor about participation in the events of Yagublu and  Mamedov , Khalafov  began to claim that the opposition allegedly incited local residents to disobey.

Another policeman, Vusal Mirzoyev, said he did not see any of the defendants during the events in Ismailly, except Mamedov and Yagublu who allegedly  called on people  to unlawful acts.

Police officer Valekh Sultanzadeh, who previously claimed  that he  had seen Yagublu  and Mamedov  among local residents, began to stated in the  second half of the trial that  the opposition  members came to destabilize the situation in the  region. 

However, the lawyers noted that Sultanzadeh has pledged his political bias. Instead of talking about the facts , he began to give a political assessment of the accused.

The  trial  will continue on January 15.

There are 18 accused in rioting in Ismailly region on January 23-24, 2013 , including the head of the  REAL Movement Ilgar Mamedov and deputy chairman of "Musavat", Tofig Yagublu. –06D-


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